“Do You Now Believe?”

February 28th, 2013 by Dave Leave a reply »

’By this we believe . . . .’ Jesus answered them, ’Do you now believe?’ —John 16:30-31

Now we believe. . . .” But Jesus asks, “Do you . . . ? Indeed the hour is coming . . . that you . . . will leave Me alone” (John 16:31-32). Many Christian workers have left Jesus Christ alone and yet tried to serve Him out of a sense of duty, or because they sense a need as a result of their own discernment. The reason for this is actually the absence of the resurrection life of Jesus. Our soul has gotten out of intimate contact with God by leaning on our own religious understanding (see Proverbs 3:5-6). This is not deliberate sin and there is no punishment attached to it. But once a person realizes how he has hindered his understanding of Jesus Christ, and caused uncertainties, sorrows, and difficulties for himself, it is with shame and remorse that he has to return.

We need to rely on the resurrection life of Jesus on a much deeper level than we do now. We should get in the habit of continually seeking His counsel on everything, instead of making our own commonsense decisions and then asking Him to bless them. He cannot bless them; it is not in His realm to do so, and those decisions are severed from reality. If we do something simply out of a sense of duty, we are trying to live up to a standard that competes with Jesus Christ. We become a prideful, arrogant person, thinking we know what to do in every situation. We have put our sense of duty on the throne of our life, instead of enthroning the resurrection life of Jesus. We are not told to “walk in the light” of our conscience or in the light of a sense of duty, but to “walk in the light asHe is in the light. . .” (1 John 1:7). When we do something out of a sense of duty, it is easy to explain the reasons for our actions to others. But when we do something out of obedience to the Lord, there can be no other explanation-just obedience. That is why a saint can be so easily ridiculed and misunderstood.

Journal DJR
Good Morning, Lord. Recently I have read several blogposts that were critical of other brothers and ministries. They linked to more … and the more and more I read, the more I felt that these people taking over your job as judge. And after reading several of them I began to wonder if I could ever measure up … even doubted that I was saved. I found myself far away from joy and grace. I decided that for me, those judgmental types of messages are toxic and I have no room for them in my head. There is enough toxic self judgment and self condemnation and self doubt already in my head to last a lifetime. I dont need any more…… So, unless you direct me to one, I wont be reading any more “commentaries” that judge others and show how various groups are not measuring up, missing the mark, etc. Of course we dont measure up. Of course we miss the mark. Isn’t that what grace is for? … And to compel us by love to come home to you…

Good, you are right, you judge and condemn yourself to a fault. It is not wrong to have high standards but when you use them to condemn yourself and stay on an impossible squirrel cage … the high standards hurt more than help. Christlikeness is the highest standard … and you’ll never reach it 100% … But I know that and you know that and Jesus has handled that. So we hold it in that context of grace. You are free of the condemnation … so you are free to connect and love.


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