Justification by Faith

October 28th, 2013 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

If when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life —Romans 5:10

I am not saved by believing— I simply realize I am saved by believing. And it is not repentance that saves me— repentance is only the sign that I realize what God has done through Christ Jesus. The danger here is putting the emphasis on the effect, instead of on the cause. Is it my obedience, consecration, and dedication that make me right with God? It is never that! I am made right with God because, prior to all of that, Christ died. When I turn to God and by belief accept what God reveals, the miraculous atonement by the Cross of Christ instantly places me into a right relationship with God. And as a result of the supernatural miracle of God’s grace I stand justified, not because I am sorry for my sin, or because I have repented, but because of what Jesus has done. The Spirit of God brings justification with a shattering, radiant light, and I know that I am saved, even though I don’t know how it was accomplished.

The salvation that comes from God is not based on human logic, but on the sacrificial death of Jesus. We can be born again solely because of the atonement of our Lord. Sinful men and women can be changed into new creations, not through their repentance or their belief, but through the wonderful work of God in Christ Jesus which preceded all of our experience (see 2 Corinthians 5:17-19). The unconquerable safety of justification and sanctification is God Himself. We do not have to accomplish these things ourselves— they have been accomplished through the atonement of the Cross of Christ. The supernatural becomes natural to us through the miracle of God, and there is the realization of what Jesus Christ has already done— “It is finished!” (John 19:30).




October 28, 2013- JDV


This is an ongoing struggle; to trust You and simply surrender or to surrender and then engage in activities and efforts to get closer to You. I often wonder that if I am justified then why do I seem to go back to revisit the sacrifice of Jesus so often? Why am I drawn to the cross over and over as part of my surrender? Why can I not simply “move on” to the next step? Why can’t I move on past my need for Jesus redemptive sacrifice?

And God says…”There is no “next thing”, there is no “moving on” past the cross. Being drawn back to the cross daily…hourly and minute by minute is a powerful step in surrender and connection. Jesus made the sacrifice and humans do not and cannot understand it. Do not try to understand it. What you can do is meet Him every day at the cross and surrender to Him. Let His life work in and through you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not rely on your own devices and He will make your paths straight. Focus on Jesus and His sacrificial gift. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Seek first the kingdom of God, which is Jesus, and everything else you need will be provided.”


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