What You Will Get

April 28th, 2014 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

I will give your life to you as a prize in all places, wherever you go —Jeremiah 45:5

This is the firm and immovable secret of the Lord to those who trust Him— “I will give your life to you . . . .” What more does a man want than his life? It is the essential thing. “. . . your life . . . as a prize . . .” means that wherever you may go, even if it is into hell, you will come out with your life and nothing can harm it. So many of us are caught up in exhibiting things for others to see, not showing off property and possessions, but our blessings. All these things that we so proudly show have to go. But there is something greater that can never go— the life that “is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3).Are you prepared to let God take you into total oneness with Himself, paying no more attention to what you call the great things of life? Are you prepared to surrender totally and let go? The true test of abandonment or surrender is in refusing to say, “Well, what about this?” Beware of your own ideas and speculations. The moment you allow yourself to think, “What about this?” you show that you have not surrendered and that you do not really trust God. But once you do surrender, you will no longer think about what God is going to do. Abandonment means to refuse yourself the luxury of asking any questions. If you totally abandon yourself to God, He immediately says to you, “I will give your life to you as a prize . . . .” The reason people are tired of life is that God has not given them anything— they have not been given their life “as a prize.” The way to get out of that condition is to abandon yourself to God. And once you do get to the point of total surrender to Him, you will be the most surprised and delighted person on earth. God will have you absolutely, without any limitations, and He will have given you your life. If you are not there, it is either because of disobedience in your life or your refusal to be simple enough.__________________________________________________________________

April 28, 2014

Journal Entry for Today-JDV

Lord, I often seek accolades and praise from others…..I want others to see how diligent and faithful I am; …all the while knowing deep down that I am not diligent and faithful as I could be. I still chase my own idea of “good” and when I do good things, good spiritual things… I want everyone to know it. When I chase my own selfish goals and opportunities, I do not want anyone to know it. When I am fearful, afraid of my circumstances, looming circumstances and pending situations, I do not often share my fear, keeping it bottled up inside wondering if I am good enough to receive your forgiveness and blessings.  I wonder who can save me from this predicament. And then realize that You already have saved me from this predicament; even from myself, and have provided the grace and love necessary to carry me.

And God says…”When you are prepared to abandon yourself to Me, you will become the most delighted person on earth. As Oswald Chambers says in this devotional; ….”Once you do get to the point of total surrender to Him, you will be the most surprised and delighted person on earth. God will have you absolutely, without any limitations.” Seek first the kingdom of God, which is Jesus …and everything else you need will be provided. Seek first Jesus, and observe how your life unfolds in an interesting and fulfilling way. When you are totally surrendered, there is no fear, anxiety, or pursuit of your own selfish desires. And you start by asking Me to help you with your surrender. Keep your eyes on Jesus, and you will be transformed and made whole. And when you are not quite there, this side of heaven, My grace will be sufficient for you. You can fall into My grace and everlasting love.”


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