
December 11th, 2014 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself…” —Matthew 16:24

Individuality is the hard outer layer surrounding the inner spiritual life. Individuality shoves others aside, separating and isolating people. We see it as the primary characteristic of a child, and rightly so. When we confuse individuality with the spiritual life, we remain isolated. This shell of individuality is God’s created natural covering designed to protect the spiritual life. But our individuality must be yielded to God so that our spiritual life may be brought forth into fellowship with Him. Individuality counterfeits spirituality, just as lust counterfeits love. God designed human nature for Himself, but individuality corrupts that human nature for its own purposes.The characteristics of individuality are independence and self-will. We hinder our spiritual growth more than any other way by continually asserting our individuality. If you say, “I can’t believe,” it is because your individuality is blocking the way; individuality can never believe. But our spirit cannot help believing. Watch yourself closely when the Spirit of God is at work in you. He pushes you to the limits of your individuality where a choice must be made. The choice is either to say, “I will not surrender,” or to surrender, breaking the hard shell of individuality, which allows the spiritual life to emerge. The Holy Spirit narrows it down every time to one thing (see Matthew 5:23-24). It is your individuality that refuses to “be reconciled to your brother” (Matthew 5:24). God wants to bring you into union with Himself, but unless you are willing to give up your right to yourself, He cannot. “…let him deny himself…”— deny his independent right to himself. Then the real life-the spiritual life-is allowed the opportunity to grow.

December 11 2014

Journal Entry for Today-JDV

I heard a comedian describe our struggle with individuality yesterday God, and it was funny in a paradoxical kind of way. He said that when we are young children maybe around the ages of three to six or so (depending on the person) we shout out our independence when we recognize our individuality. We shout out to our parents, “I can do it myself! Leave me alone I want to do it by myself!”  And then years later in our teens or older we sing the melancholy song…”All by myself, don’t wanna be all by myself… anymore”.

I think I am beginning to understand more fully the issue of individuality and how it gets in the way of my spirituality Lord; my desire to try to “go it alone”.  As a natural reflex I just quickly and naturally (as opposed to supernaturally) trust my own intellect and senses every day in many, many ways especially in areas where it seems the issues are not “spiritual”.  But that kind of individuality just gets in the way of my own success and happiness.  And when I stand back and think about it, why would any human want to trust their own limited intellect and senses, when we can rely on Your capabilities, the God that made the universe and holds the future in His hands?


And God says…”My ways are not your ways. With God all things are possible. How can a human understand how I made the universe? How can you grasp my ways and intentions?  This is why you must come to Me out of faith, and give up your own understanding. I want you to decide to be connected to Me, to have a relationship with Me.  But for that to happen you must give up on your own intellect, your own ways and means, you must surrender your right to choose your ways and allow the Holy Spirit to live through you. If you want to be in relationship with Me you must forget “I can do it myself”, or doing it your way. Trust in Me with ALL your heart and do not rely on your own understanding, or ways and means and I will make your paths straight. Seek first the Kingdom of God, not your own answers, and I will provide all that you need. Delight yourself in the Lord and I will give you the desires of our heart.


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