These words were not spoken as a rebuke, nor even with surprise; Jesus was encouraging Philip to draw closer. Yet the last person we get intimate with is Jesus. Before Pentecost the disciples knew Jesus as the One who gave them power to conquer demons and to bring about a revival (see Luke 10:18-20). It was a wonderful intimacy, but there was a much closer intimacy to come: “…I have called you friends…” (John 15:15). True friendship is rare on earth. It means identifying with someone in thought, heart, and spirit. The whole experience of life is designed to enable us to enter into this closest relationship with Jesus Christ. We receive His blessings and know His Word, but do we really know Him?Jesus said, “It is to your advantage that I go away…” (John 16:7). He left that relationship to lead them even closer. It is a joy to Jesus when a disciple takes time to walk more intimately with Him. The bearing of fruit is always shown in Scripture to be the visible result of an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ (see John 15:1-4).

Once we get intimate with Jesus we are never lonely and we never lack for understanding or compassion. We can continually pour out our hearts to Him without being perceived as overly emotional or pitiful. The Christian who is truly intimate with Jesus will never draw attention to himself but will only show the evidence of a life where Jesus is completely in control. This is the outcome of allowing Jesus to satisfy every area of life to its depth. The picture resulting from such a life is that of the strong, calm balance that our Lord gives to those who are intimate with Him.



January 7 2015

Journal Entry for Today-JDV

Good morning Lord, and thank You for this day and this devotional.  This is a message You have been teaching us for some time; be intimate with Jesus. And as we learned yesterday, the day to day message is for us to get connected to Jesus, stay connected, and live it out.  Therein lies the rub, how we do that. Lord, it seems as if every distraction in the world gets in my way daily and hourly.  Even as I seek out a quiet time to meditate, my mind wanders. Even as I turn my day over to You my spirit is often hijacked by day to day, hour to hour fears, distractions, responsibilities, and interruptions.  It seems that I can only stop my wandering mind and spirit when I am in desperate need, and You are the only answer”.

And God says…”As Paul wrote…”who will rescue me from this circumstance? “Thank God it has already been done; Jesus paid the price for your inability to stay connected.  I know what you can and cannot do. I do not give you hope and connection and then pull it away. I would not show you how to live abundantly and not make the life easily attainable.  This abundant life is not meant to be something you must earn; it is not available to just the disciplined. Our intimacy is not based on your abilities, focus or even your worship and study.  It is not based on your worthiness. Our intimacy is based on the sacrifice of Jesus. Simply reach out to Him knowing that He is all that is required to get and stay connected. And when you notice that you are more closely aligned with your own notions, fears, responsibilities, and interruptions, silently cry out to Jesus, and let Him restore your connection and intimacy. Seek first the kingdom of God, which is Jesus, and everything else you require will be provided. “