The greatest characteristic a Christian can exhibit is this completely unveiled openness before God, which allows that person’s life to become a mirror for others. When the Spirit fills us, we are transformed, and by beholding God we become mirrors. You can always tell when someone has been beholding the glory of the Lord, because your inner spirit senses that he mirrors the Lord’s own character. Beware of anything that would spot or tarnish that mirror in you. It is almost always something good that will stain it— something good, but not what is best.The most important rule for us is to concentrate on keeping our lives open to God. Let everything else including work, clothes, and food be set aside. The busyness of things obscures our concentration on God. We must maintain a position of beholding Him, keeping our lives completely spiritual through and through. Let other things come and go as they will; let other people criticize us as they will; but never allow anything to obscure the life that “is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3). Never let a hurried lifestyle disturb the relationship of abiding in Him. This is an easy thing to allow, but we must guard against it. The most difficult lesson of the Christian life is learning how to continue “beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord….”_________________________________________________________________

January 23 2015

Journal for Today-JDV

Lord, David and I were just talking about this; how do we get and stay connected to You when we are surrounded by the day to day and moment to moment tasks of living?  How do we look to You when we know it is our responsibility to earn a living, love and communicate with our families and friends, do the daily chores, serve in our churches and communities? How to we take the time to focus on You when we are confronted with daily demands for our time and attention?

And God says…”As you read in yesterday’s devotional and have learned from everyday living, it is much easier to engage with Jesus when your own resources and capabilities are insufficient. It is much easier to get and stay connected to Me when you have no answers of your own. And if this is the most effective tool I am to use to shape you, ….(never try to get out of your trials too early, let them have their perfect result…) then this is one of the ways you will be shaped and molded into the likeness of Jesus. However, you can also get in the habit, step by step, hour by hour, minute by minute, of seeking Me first before you engage in the mundane day to day activities of living.  

Starting with a morning devotional and prayer, as you do, and then remind yourself to engage Me at every opportunity after that. As you make your breakfast, go into a meeting, put the clothes in the dryer,  or feed the dogs and cats. If you will make connection a priority, you will find the everyday issues will flow much more smoothly. Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight. Seek first the kingdom of God and everything else you need will be provided. Delight yourself in the Lord and I will give you the desires of your heart. And as you are connected to Me, you are being transformed.”