The Shrouding of His Friendship (see Luke 11:5-8). Jesus gave the illustration here of a man who appears not to care for his friend. He was saying, in effect, that is how the heavenly Father will appear to you at times. You will think that He is an unkind friend, but remember— He is not. The time will come when everything will be explained. There seems to be a cloud on the friendship of the heart, and often even love itself has to wait in pain and tears for the blessing of fuller fellowship and oneness. When God appears to be completely shrouded, will you hang on with confidence in Him?

The Shadow on His Fatherhood (see Luke 11:11-13). Jesus said that there are times when your Father will appear as if He were an unnatural father— as if He were callous and indifferent— but remember, He is not. “Everyone who asks receives…” (Luke 11:10). If all you see is a shadow on the face of the Father right now, hang on to the fact that He will ultimately give you clear understanding and will fully justify Himself in everything that He has allowed into your life.

The Strangeness of His Faithfulness (see Luke 18:1-8). “When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8). Will He find the kind of faith that counts on Him in spite of the confusion? Stand firm in faith, believing that what Jesus said is true, although in the meantime you do not understand what God is doing. He has bigger issues at stake than the particular things you are asking of Him right now.


September 12, 2016

Devotional for Today-JDV

Good morning God and thank You for this day and this devotional. In this devotional, Chambers seems to be explaining why You might choose not to answer our prayers, or why we must go to some lengths to get You to respond to our pleas. But my experience tells me that in my “natural self”  I might go to some lengths to besiege you to respond to my prayers, when I am truly surrendered, I let go of my need for any answer at all. In surrender I can live out of Romans 8:28; “all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord….” Is this right Lord?

And God says…”When you are truly surrendered, you let go of thinking in your terms, and know; just know, that whatever the situation or circumstance, I am God, I love you and I will respond when and how My overwhelming love requires. When you are surrendered, you know that Romans 8:28 is not just a verse, it is a way of life, a way of living. You also know and live day by day, hour by hour, with the knowledge that God is good all the time.