Black Bodies

April 12th, 2018 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

Richard Rohr

Black Bodies
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Until the killing of black mothers’ sons [and daughters] is as important as the discovery of white mothers’ sons, we who believe in freedom cannot rest. —Ella Baker [1]
As I wrote in last week’s meditations, the early ego creates itself by comparison or negation, by how we are not like others. [2] It likes to differentiate. The ego then holds onto this falsely created sense of superiority at all costs. Last year when I shared about coming to recognize my own white privilege—the unearned benefits I receive simply because of the color of my skin—I wasn’t surprised that the Center’s Customer Service team received more than the usual defensive and angry emails. [3] Many people think “white privilege” is liberal propaganda, a made-up idea to seed more division. After all, the United States had a black president! Surely, we’ve moved beyond racism.
And what about “reverse racism,” some whites say? Anyone can be prejudiced. But racism is all about an imbalance of power. In the United States today, most of the power still lies with people who are white. The very nature of oppression makes it hard for those of us who are comfortable to see this problem. [4] Perhaps subconsciously we know that systemic inequality serves our own ego’s interests and so we resist change. We still define ourselves by differentiating and comparing (dualistic thinking) and not by “similarizing” (which is unitive thinking).
As Jewish poet Emma Lazarus wrote, “Until we are all free, we are none of us free.” [5] If we are all made in God’s image, if we are all the Body of Christ, then treating black and brown bodies with love and respect is the only way for our country, our communities, and our Christianity to be whole. Our love must be active and embodied. We cannot just preach peace and justice in a theoretical way; the rubber of justice needs to hit the real road.
One of our CONSPIRE 2018 presenters, author and professor Barbara Holmes, explores how some young people today are working hard to dismantle systems of oppression:
Ella Baker [1903-1986], civil rights activist and organizer, reminds us of the reason that we continue the struggle for justice. It is for fairness, equal treatment under the law, and the cessation of violence against innocent black and brown bodies. Another generation is on the rise, and they are confronting police brutality and advocating for black lives through the Black Lives Matter Movement (BLMM), its contemplative activism and deeply spiritual resistance. . . .
One cannot help but wonder why the same battles for justice must be fought by every generation? Certainly, there were enough sacrifices, martyrs, and legislation during the ’60s to ensure justice for all. Yet . . . “we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities and the rulers of darkness in high places” [Ephesians 6:12]. The powers or systems do everything they can to resist change. In response to the demand for justice, systems morph and adjust while maintaining the status quo.
So public hangings end and the murders of unarmed black folk rise. Slavery ends, but the mass incarceration of minority populations increases. Jim Crow practices are no longer openly discriminatory; they reappear as educational and economic disparities, voter suppression, and aggressive police actions against people of color. [6]
Power never surrenders without a fight. If your response to today’s meditation is to retort, “All lives matter!” I invite you to take a closer look at your own fears and biases. Of course, all lives matter! Yet until black and brown lives matter, no lives truly matter. Jesus spoke into specific lives, into particular circumstances of oppression, saying, “You, an outcast Samaritan woman, you matter. You, a leper rejected by society, you matter.”


April 12, 2018
A Better Way
Ann Stewart (South Australia, Australia)

[The Lord] said to [Paul], “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

At times, when I look at my schedule for the weeks ahead, I wonder how I can possibly fit everything in. At other times I worry about how I will manage to cope with all of life’s challenges. At these times I can choose to become anxious and think about the worst-case scenarios, or I can choose a different way. I can stop worrying and start praying. Usually prayer calms me — reminding me to trust God one day at a time. God’s grace is sufficient for each moment of each day. I can choose to trust in God’s strength and be thankful even for my weaknesses. I can choose to live in the present and open my eyes and ears to enjoy the blessings of each day instead of worrying about tomorrow and the next challenge. I can choose to take negative thoughts captive (see 2 Cor. 10:5) and think instead on the truth in God’s word.
I cannot say that I always find it easy to do this, but with practice it has gradually become the norm for me. From experience, I know that I can trust God to meet all my needs. I’ve seen God give me strength exactly when I need it. So I choose a better way to live — one day at a time — confidently relying on God with a thankful heart.

Today’s Prayer

Loving Father, give us confidence to trust you in every situation. In the challenges of life, help us to rely on your strength, not our own. Amen.


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