December 27th, 2023 by Dave Leave a reply »

Jesus as Prophet

CAC teacher Brian McLaren reminds us of the power of knowing and following Jesus as a prophet:  

The understanding of Jesus as a prophet in the rich prophetic tradition of the Christian religion has been minimized. I bet many of us have never even heard a sermon or a talk about Jesus as prophet. Instead, we talked about Jesus as the Son of God, the Third Person of the Trinity, the Savior, and the sacrificial atonement lamb. We became very obsessed with talking about Jesus in some ways, but we minimized his work and life as a prophet. Of course, we’re welcome to understand Jesus as more than a prophet, but we should never understand him as less than a prophet. It should be the core and the baseline of our understanding of who Jesus is….

If we let Jesus’ prophetic identity be eclipsed by other understandings, Jesus is reduced and so are we, because Jesus was interested in us and his followers becoming like him. You’ll remember that Jesus says to the disciples, “Greater things you shall do” (John 14:12), and “As the Father sent me, so I send you” (John 20:21). He is telling his followers, “You’re going to be persecuted the way the prophets were before you. You’re fulfilling and falling into their movement. My movement is a prophetic movement. When you join my movement, you’re in that line of work.” Of course, in all of this, he’s echoing the prototypical prophet Moses’ words: “Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that God would put God’s spirit on them” (see Numbers 11:29)….

In all the ways we talk about Jesus, I hope we can get back the understanding of Jesus as prophet and let that revolutionize us. The prophet is not just somebody who reads a book and repeats what they have learned. The prophet is somebody who goes deep into themselves to hear the message that’s being birthed in the midst of their pain and their burdens and their frustrations and their sufferings and their questions and their perplexity and their disillusionments. In the foment and ferment of that inner journey, something begins to emerge, and they bring it out and they say, “I can’t just say these words. I have to demonstrate them. I’ve got to find two or three other people who see what I see so that we can do something about it.”

I think there’s a movement that’s happening in the world. It’s happening across religions. It’s happening with secular and religious people. It’s bubbling up in the hearts of people in pain. When people who are motivated by revolutionary love in the prophetic path of Jesus come together, knowing the pain of our planet and knowing the agony of the poor, to work for peace and against injustice and racism and hate, they can transform a broken world toward beloved community to the glory of God.

======================= From John Chaffee’s. Friday Five

“There is no coming to consciousness without pain.

– Carl Jung, Swiss Psychoanalyst

Sometimes it is easier in the short run to go through life oblivious to the problems we create for ourselves.  Over the years, I have had to face uncomfortable truths about myself that I could not avoid any longer.

The Enneagram was a major part of this process.

We all have a favorite mode in which we “play the game of life.”  That mode of living can work for a time before we begin realizing that it causes us more problems than not, and it is extremely difficult to look in the mirror and realize that we are our largest obstacle/hurdle.

Jung was correct, it is a painful experience to become self-aware.


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