The Key to the Missionary’s Devotion 10-18-2010

October 18th, 2010 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

The Key to the Missionary’s Devotion

October 18, 2010
. . . they went forth for His name’s sake . . . —3 John 7

Our Lord told us how our love for Him is to exhibit itself when He asked, “Do you love Me?” (John 21:17). And then He said, “Feed My sheep.” In effect, He said, “Identify yourself with My interests in other people,” not, “Identify Me with your interests in other people.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 shows us the characteristics of this love— it is actually the love of God expressing itself. The true test of my love for Jesus is a very practical one, and all the rest is sentimental talk.

Faithfulness to Jesus Christ is the supernatural work of redemption that has been performed in me by the Holy Spirit— “the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit . . .” (Romans 5:5). And it is that love in me that effectively works through me and comes in contact with everyone I meet. I remain faithful to His name, even though the commonsense view of my life may seemingly deny that, and may appear to be declaring that He has no more power than the morning mist.

The key to the missionary’s devotion is that he is attached to nothing and to no one except our Lord Himself. It does not mean simply being detached from the external things surrounding us. Our Lord was amazingly in touch with the ordinary things of life, but He had an inner detachment except toward God. External detachment is often an actual indication of a secret, growing, inner attachment to the things we stay away from externally.

The duty of a faithful missionary is to concentrate on keeping his soul completely and continually open to the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. The men and women our Lord sends out on His endeavors are ordinary human people, but people who are controlled by their devotion to Him, which has been brought about through the work of the Holy Spirit.


October 18, 2010

Journal Entry for Today

My daily, hourly worship is very important  to my growth and connection to Jesus Christ. I used to think worship was something I did on Sundays or with a group of believers. Now I am learning that daily, hourly worship is essential to an ongoing connection with Jesus.

And God says…”Your worship brings you into a place where you are separated from the things of this world. You are simply focused on Me. It is during worship that you can actually stop thinking about your circumstances and issues and focus on Me. It is here that you can hear me the clearest. And I know that when you hear Me clearly, you respond.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27

Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12


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