The Failure To Pay Close Attention

April 15th, 2011 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

April 15, 2011
The high places were not removed from Israel. Nevertheless the heart of Asa was loyal all his days —2 Chronicles 15:17

Asa was not completely obedient in the outward, visible areas of his life. He was obedient in what he considered the most important areas, but he was not entirely right. Beware of ever thinking, “Oh, that thing in my life doesn’t matter much.” The fact that it doesn’t matter much to you may mean that it matters a great deal to God. Nothing should be considered a trivial matter by a child of God. How much longer are we going to prevent God from teaching us even one thing? But He keeps trying to teach us and He never loses patience. You say, “I know I am right with God”— yet the “high places” still remain in your life. There is still an area of disobedience. Do you protest that your heart is right with God, and yet there is something in your life He causes you to doubt? Whenever God causes a doubt about something, stop it immediately, no matter what it may be. Nothing in our lives is a mere insignificant detail to God.

Are there some things regarding your physical or intellectual life to which you have been paying no attention at all? If so, you may think you are all correct in the important areas, but you are careless— you are failing to concentrate or to focus properly. You no more need a day off from spiritual concentration on matters in your life than your heart needs a day off from beating. As you cannot take a day off morally and remain moral, neither can you take a day off spiritually and remain spiritual. God wants you to be entirely His, and it requires paying close attention to keep yourself fit. It also takes a tremendous amount of time. Yet some of us expect to rise above all of our problems, going from one mountaintop experience to another, with only a few minutes’ effort.


April 15, 2011

Journal Entry for Today-JDV

Being completely surrendered seems to require that I am dependent on You. And for me to be dependent on You requires that I am unable to cope with some of the very important and compelling issues and circumstances in my life. When I can handle my circumstances I simply …”handle my circumstances”. But deep down I know the only way I can truly find peace is to trust You to lead, guide and direct my future. And for that to occur, I often need a future so uncertain that I am compelled to hand it over to You Lord.

And God says…”When you examine your life, circumstances and uncertain future, consider what it takes for you to; seek first the Kingdom of God, and to acknowledge Me in ALL your ways. What kinds of circumstances are required for you to place yourself completely in My hands and to find joy, peace and love in uncertainty?  I love you enough to allow and create those kinds of circumstances with the accompanying uncertainty. I came to give you life and life more abundantly, and this is one of the ways I accomplish just that.”


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