Have You Seen Jesus?

April 9th, 2012 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

 After that, He appeared in another form to two of them . . . —Mark 16:12

Being saved and seeing Jesus are not the same thing. Many people who have never seen Jesus have received and share in God’s grace. But once you have seen Him, you can never be the same. Other things will not have the appeal they did before.

You should always recognize the difference between what you see Jesus to be and what He has done for you. If you see only what He has done for you, your God is not big enough. But if you have had a vision, seeing Jesus as He really is, experiences can come and go, yet you will endure “as seeing Him who is invisible” (Hebrews 11:27). The man who was blind from birth did not know who Jesus was until Christ appeared and revealed Himself to him (see John 9). Jesus appears to those for whom He has done something, but we cannot order or predict when He will come. He may appear suddenly, at any turn. Then you can exclaim, “Now I see Him!” (see John 9:25).

Jesus must appear to you and to your friend individually; no one can see Jesus with your eyes. And division takes place when one has seen Him and the other has not. You cannot bring your friend to the point of seeing; God must do it. Have you seen Jesus? If so, you will want others to see Him too. “And they went and told it to the rest, but they did not believe them either” (Mark 16:13). When you see Him, you must tell, even if they don’t believe.

O could I tell, you surely would believe it!
O could I only say what I have seen!
How should I tell or how can you receive it,
How, till He bringeth you where I have been?




April 9, 2012

Journal Entry for Today-JDV

Jesus you are Savior, the way, truth and the source of my transformation. You have become my joy, truth and my light. I ask You to make me in Your image and do not stop shaping me until I am transformed into the very image of You. Thank You for your sacrifice and the grace, mercy and power that comes to us as a result.

And God says…”You are now learning that the transforming part of the believer’s life does not come without a cost. You are reshaped and transformed from the inside out by circumstances, trials and difficult times. These trials, circumstances, and difficult times drive you to the time and place where you finally surrender all of yourself to Me. Right inside of these trials you learn to praise and worship Me. You learn to trust and obey, relying totally on the Holy Spirit to provide the direction and guidance for your life. Trust in Me with all your heart, and do not rely on your own control, efforts or understanding, and I will make your paths straight. Seek first the kingdom of heaven, which is Jesus, and I will add all the other things you need to your life.”


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