Reaching Beyond Our Grasp

May 9th, 2012 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

Where there is no revelation [or prophetic vision], the people cast off restraint . . . —Proverbs 29:18

There is a difference between holding on to a principle and having a vision. A principle does not come from moral inspiration, but a vision does. People who are totally consumed with idealistic principles rarely do anything. A person’s own idea of God and His attributes may actually be used to justify and rationalize his deliberate neglect of his duty. Jonah tried to excuse his disobedience by saying to God, “. . . I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm” (Jonah 4:2). I too may have the right idea of God and His attributes, but that may be the very reason why I do not do my duty. But wherever there is vision, there is also a life of honesty and integrity, because the vision gives me the moral incentive.Our own idealistic principles may actually lull us into ruin. Examine yourself spiritually to see if you have vision, or only principles.Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, Or what’s a heaven for?“Where there is no revelation [or prophetic vision]. . . .” Once we lose sight of God, we begin to be reckless. We cast off certain restraints from activities we know are wrong. We set prayer aside as well and cease having God’s vision in the little things of life. We simply begin to act on our own initiative. If we are eating only out of our own hand, and doing things solely on our own initiative without expecting God to come in, we are on a downward path. We have lost the vision. Is our attitude today an attitude that flows from our vision of God? Are we expecting God to do greater things than He has ever done before? Is there a freshness and a vitality in our spiritual outlook?

May 9, 2012

Journal Entry for Today-JDV

Lord, thank you for speaking so clearly to me over the last couple of days. I was getting weary. It felt like my prayers have been hitting the glass ceiling and fall back down on me. I wondered where the healing is and the love and care you promised for those that I love? Where is that abundant life for them right now?

And then you sent me a song that reminded me that You are the definition of good, and that your responses whatever they are, are a reflection of Your goodness. I don’t know why You seem to show up at times, and not at others, but once again, I am going to trust You. You are the God of the universe and You know my name, and all that I need.  I am going to trust you to meet all my needs and the needs of those that I love.


And God says…”There is this very short life you now experience and the very temporal circumstances that surround you and those you love. I know it is difficult, but try and picture your short term circumstance of the next several weeks, months or years against the backdrop of eternity with Me. I respond to your prayers and requests in this context, and because I am good, I can only do what is good for you. I cannot answer prayers that will not result in your ultimate good. And you cannot see yourself against the backdrop of eternity and every other circumstance that is coming your way over time.”

“Trust Me to meet all your needs, trust that I am working in your life and the lives of those you love. Seek first my kingdom, which is Jesus, and let Me meet all your needs. Trust in Me with all your heart, know that I am God and I am in control. I am the potter, you are the clay, trust Me to be God and trust that I will always answer  your prayers in your very best interest, against the backdrop of eternity and what is the very best for you. Acknowledge me in all your ways and I will make your paths straight.”




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