Sanctification (2)

July 23rd, 2012 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us . . . sanctification . . . —1 Corinthians 1:30

The Life Side. The mystery of sanctification is that the perfect qualities of Jesus Christ are imparted as a gift to me, not gradually, but instantly once I enter by faith into the realization that He “became for [me] . . . sanctification . . . .” Sanctification means nothing less than the holiness of Jesus becoming mine and being exhibited in my life.

The most wonderful secret of living a holy life does not lie in imitating Jesus, but in letting the perfect qualities of Jesus exhibit themselves in my human flesh. Sanctification is “Christ in you . . .” (Colossians 1:27). It is His wonderful life that is imparted to me in sanctification— imparted by faith as a sovereign gift of God’s grace. Am I willing for God to make sanctification as real in me as it is in His Word?

Sanctification means the impartation of the holy qualities of Jesus Christ to me. It is the gift of His patience, love, holiness, faith, purity, and godliness that is exhibited in and through every sanctified soul. Sanctification is not drawing from Jesus the power to be holy— it is drawing from Jesus the very holiness that was exhibited in Him, and that He now exhibits in me. Sanctification is an impartation, not an imitation. Imitation is something altogether different. The perfection of everything is in Jesus Christ, and the mystery of sanctification is that all the perfect qualities of Jesus are at my disposal. Consequently, I slowly but surely begin to live a life of inexpressible order, soundness, and holiness— “. . . kept by the power of God . . .” (1 Peter 1:5).


Reprise Journal Entry-July 21, 2011

Thank you Lord for pointing out the futility of my life and efforts without You. Thank you for reminding me that it is You that began and completes the good work in me. My work is to surrender. Thank you for showing me the very narrow road and then showing me I do not have the ability to walk that narrow road.

And God says…”This is a lesson to be learned until it is ingrained into all believers; that the life of the believer can only be realized in personal defeat. My standards are absolute so that you can see the disparity and futility of trying to live the Christian life. It is not for you to “do your very best” I cannot accept your “very best”. I can only accept the purity and absolute righteousness of Jesus. This comes when you surrender and allow Him to live through you.” As Paul wrote to the Corinthians….2 Corinthians 3:18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”


Journal DJR
Good Morning, Lord,
Recently I’ve received compliments for the “Wisdom” that I was able to share in several situations. … But at the same time, I see “Lack of Wisdom” operating in my own personal life. Something beyond garden variety Hypocrisy seems to be going on here.

Yes, the fact that you see it and acknowledge it takes it out of the first level of hypocrisy … where Pharisees say, “do as I say, not as I do” and see no problem with it. So you’ve identified the situation, Now what?

That’s what I was going to ask you. I relate with Paul, who called himself Chief Sinner, and said, “I do what I dont want to do and dont do what I want to do….

When you arrive at those conclusions, You are ready to receive impartation of my holiness. Only then.

So why can I have wisdom for others better than for myself? Is it the Objective view that I see their stuff from a distance (objective) and on my own stuff, I’m too close to the forest to see the trees? (subjective, & easily tripped into hypocrisy)

Yes, that is another part of this issue, When you are in the battle and in the tension, you react against the stressors. When you are at a distance you can respond with wisdom after observing objectively and choosing based on the best outcomes.

So seeing and recommending wisdom for others because I see it objectively can be considered a prototype for how I can see my own stuff. Objectively will work out better. Like we have termed it, from the “Balcony View”

Yes, remember how I did it in John 5:19 … only what I saw the Father doing. I was on the balcony with him all the time. I’m saving a place for you…Come up here on my balcony, and life will really get to be exciting.

OK, I’ll do my best. But even saying that, I know I’ve failed a lot, and will probably fail more…. I need your help.

That’s what I’m here for. Come on up. I have things to show you.


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