“The Temple of the Holy Spirit”

December 5th, 2012 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

. . . only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you —Genesis 41:40


I am accountable to God for the way I control my body under His authority. Paul said he did not “set aside the grace of God”— make it ineffective (Galatians 2:21). The grace of God is absolute and limitless, and the work of salvation through Jesus is complete and finished forever. I am not being saved— I am saved. Salvation is as eternal as God’s throne, but I must put to work or use what God has placed within me. To “work out [my] own salvation” (Philippians 2:12) means that I am responsible for using what He has given me. It also means that I must exhibit in my own body the life of the Lord Jesus, not mysteriously or secretly, but openly and boldly. “I discipline my body and bring it into subjection . . .” (1 Corinthians 9:27). Every Christian can have his body under absolute control for God. God has given us the responsibility to rule over all “the temple of the Holy Spirit,” including our thoughts and desires (1 Corinthians 6:19). We are responsible for these, and we must never give way to improper ones. But most of us are much more severe in our judgment of others than we are in judging ourselves. We make excuses for things in ourselves, while we condemn things in the lives of others simply because we are not naturally inclined to do them.

Paul said, “I beseech you . . . that you present your bodies a living sacrifice . . .” (Romans 12:1). What I must decide is whether or not I will agree with my Lord and Master that my body will indeed be His temple. Once I agree, all the rules, regulations, and requirements of the law concerning the body are summed up for me in this revealed truth-my body is “the temple of the Holy Spirit.”


December 5, 2012

Journal Entry for Today-JDV

Lord, lessons like this one stop me cold. Because I know I could and should treat my body as if it is yours and not mine. I know that I should take much better care of myself; work out more frequently, eat the right foods, think better thoughts, and in general demonstrate that I understand that my body belongs to You and is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  This lesson convicts me Lord. What can I do to become more disciplined about my body? How can I bring it under control?

And Gods says…”It is the very same lesson you have been learning for many years. You cannot, as Paul wrote, do the right things, but Jesus living inside of you can and does. Let go of your idea that you need to be a better man with more discipline. It does not work. Grinding your teeth and promising to do “the right thing” will only frustrate you, as you fail time after time after time.  Surrender your entire person to Jesus every day, every hour and every minute. Keep Jesus in your sight and let Him live through you. There is no reason to keep fighting a fight that has  already been won. Trust in the Lord with all your might and do not rely on your own methods and  discipline and He will make your paths straight. I will finish the good work I began in you; simply stay connected to Jesus and observe…. as the Spirit of the living God remakes you in His image.”


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