Unquestion Revelation 5-28-2010

May 28th, 2010 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

Unquestion Revelation

May 28 2010
In that day you will ask Me nothing —John 16:23

When is “that day”? It is when the ascended Lord makes you one with the Father. “In that day” you will be one with the Father just as Jesus is, and He said, “In that day you will ask Me nothing.” Until the resurrection life of Jesus is fully exhibited in you, you have questions about many things. Then after a while you find that all your questions are gone— you don’t seem to have any left to ask. You have come to the point of total reliance on the resurrection life of Jesus, which brings you into complete oneness with the purpose of God. Are you living that life now? If not, why aren’t you?

“In that day” there may be any number of things still hidden to your understanding, but they will not come between your heart and God. “In that day you will ask Me nothing”— you will not need to ask, because you will be certain that God will reveal things in accordance with His will. The faith and peace of John 14:1 has become the real attitude of your heart, and there are no more questions to be asked. If anything is a mystery to you and is coming between you and God, never look for the explanation in your mind, but look for it in your spirit, your true inner nature— that is where the problem is. Once your inner spiritual nature is willing to submit to the life of Jesus, your understanding will be perfectly clear, and you will come to the place where there is no distance between the Father and you, His child, because the Lord has made you one. “In that day you will ask Me nothing.”


Journal Entry for Today

May 28, 2010

And so I try to focus on the lesson and my connection with God and find I am daydreaming and worrying about health insurance, finances, and the future. I know in my heart that God has said He will meet all my needs, and yet I can look back over my life and see and feel the pain of some hard lessons over the last few years. I know that God only has the best in mind for me, but it sure did not feel like “His best” as I went through the pain, uncertainty and troubles of the past two years.

And God says…” I experienced every bit of the pain that you did my son. I felt every heartache and every worry and concern you were feeling. But what is important to remember is that you did not go to any extremes that kept you apart from my love and care. Clearly I allowed certain circumstances into your life, but can you honestly say you did not become a better man and more engaged child of mine as a result? As you look back on your life, and the troubling circumstances, what would have happened if you had looked at the days and weeks of trials as adventures to be observed? What would you have felt if you knew deep down and believed that it would all be alright, that I had absolute control over your life? What if you could have simply reveled in the time expectantly watching God work in your life? With faith and hope and expectant joyful living, you can praise and worship me and watch as I change your life and your circumstances so that we are in intimate relationship more and more…and ultimately forever.

Why do I not take you at your word? Why am I constantly going back and forth from faith and trust and obedience to worry, uncertainty, sin and disobedience? Why am I unable to learn and live the life you have laid out so clearly?

And God said…”Because you are a mortal man in need of your own death, burial, and resurrection. You can be resurrected with Jesus when you trust and obey. When, with faith, you are prepared to embrace the unknown life of your future that I have prepared for you. I will change you from the inside out and hold you tightly and assuredly if you will only trust and obey…….I give you the strength for the trust and obedience as you are in relationship with me. Stay in relationship and you will not be worried or concerned, you will be excited, and expectantly joyful. We will be as one and you will be without questions or worry. “


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