The Cross in Prayer 8-06-2010

August 6th, 2010 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

The Cross in Prayer

August 06, 2010
In that day you will ask in My name . . . —John 16:26


We too often think of the Cross of Christ as something we have to get through, yet we get through for the purpose of getting into it. The Cross represents only one thing for us— complete, entire, absolute identification with the Lord Jesus Christ— and there is nothing in which this identification is more real to us than in prayer.

“Your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him” ( Matthew 6:8  ). Then why should we ask? The point of prayer is not to get answers from God, but to have perfect and complete oneness with Him. If we pray only because we want answers, we will become irritated and angry with God. We receive an answer every time we pray, but it does not always come in the way we expect, and our spiritual irritation shows our refusal to identify ourselves truly with our Lord in prayer. We are not here to prove that God answers prayer, but to be living trophies of God’s grace.

“. . . I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the Father Himself loves you . . .” ( John 16:26-27  ). Have you reached such a level of intimacy with God that the only thing that can account for your prayer life is that it has become one with the prayer life of Jesus Christ? Has our Lord exchanged your life with His vital life? If so, then “in that day” you will be so closely identified with Jesus that there will be no distinction.

When prayer seems to be unanswered, beware of trying to place the blame on someone else. That is always a trap of Satan. When you seem to have no answer, there is always a reason— God uses these times to give you deep personal instruction, and it is not for anyone else but you.


Journal Entry for Today-JDV

August 6, 2010

I wonder about unanswered prayer and the implications. Intellectually I know that God cannot answer every request I bring to Him, and I know that there are circumstances and trials that I must simply go through if I am going to be transformed. And yet I yearn for the peace that passes understanding and the knowledge that all my trials are over.

And God says….” That yearning is for an everlasting unbroken relationship with me. When you join Me in heaven, all your trials will be over. Your spirit yearns for the place where there are no more trials or difficulties. I have prepared a place for you and you should rest in the knowledge that your place is secured in Christ Jesus.

It is natural for you to yearn for the perfect peace that is your eternal home. However, in this life you will have troubles and difficulties. In your everlasting life there are no trials or difficulties. Live your life knowing that nothing can touch you that has not first touched My hands and understand that the sacrifice of My Son is testimony of the magnitude of my love for you.

Experience the trials and difficulties of this life knowing I allow them; for it is inside them that you truly yearn for Me.

DJR journal
Good Morning Lord,
Today we talked about prayer and You seemed to emphasize a phrase, “Open Palm” as in hold our prayers and our dreams in an Open Palm. One insinuation is to do that so that you can take things away from us. But the other thing that I see when I’m not so wrapped up in the stress of battle is that only if we have an open palm can we allow you to take something and replace it with something better. We would all agree that we want “something better” It is good to remind ourselves that gripping tightly what we have will prevent or delay the “better”
And seeming “unanswered prayer” is not really unanswered. It just didn’t fit into our tightly gripped understanding of what the answer is supposed to look like.
So help me Lord, keep all this stuff in an Open Palm, the move, packing, sorting, the business, finding a church, and if I could stay a gentleman in all of that, it would be good too…..
You are on the right track. I have yoked you with some good reminding partners, JD, Oswald, & Steve. Because you need it.
True fact. Thank you. I love you.


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