The Holy Suffering of the Saint 8-10-2010

August 10th, 2010 by JDVaughn Leave a reply »

The Holy Suffering of the Saint

August 10,  2010
Let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good . . . —1 Peter 4:19


Choosing to suffer means that there must be something wrong with you, but choosing God’s will— even if it means you will suffer— is something very different. No normal, healthy saint ever chooses suffering; he simply chooses God’s will, just as Jesus did, whether it means suffering or not. And no saint should ever dare to interfere with the lesson of suffering being taught in another saint’s life.

The saint who satisfies the heart of Jesus will make other saints strong and mature for God. But the people used to strengthen us are never those who sympathize with us; in fact, we are hindered by those who give us their sympathy, because sympathy only serves to weaken us. No one better understands a saint than the saint who is as close and as intimate with Jesus as possible. If we accept the sympathy of another saint, our spontaneous feeling is, “God is dealing too harshly with me and making my life too difficult.” That is why Jesus said that self-pity was of the devil (see Matthew 16:21-23 ). We must be merciful to God’s reputation. It is easy for us to tarnish God’s character because He never argues back; He never tries to defend or vindicate Himself. Beware of thinking that Jesus needed sympathy during His life on earth. He refused the sympathy of people because in His great wisdom He knew that no one on earth understood His purpose (see Matthew 16:23 ). He accepted only the sympathy of His Father and the angels (see Luke 15:10  ).

Look at God’s incredible waste of His saints, according to the world’s judgment. God seems to plant His saints in the most useless places. And then we say, “God intends for me to be here because I am so useful to Him.” Yet Jesus never measured His life by how or where He was of the greatest use. God places His saints where they will bring the most glory to Him, and we are totally incapable of judging where that may be.


August 10, 2010

I woke up with the worry and anxiety of today and tomorrow on my mind and heart, praying for the strength to believe and hope and trust; all the while, watching myself “twist in the win” instead of trusting completely. I prayed for God to surround my heart and mind and give me the strength and courage to trust and believe. Like the man responding to Jesus when told all things are possible when we believe I cry out, I believe, but help me in my unbelief.

And God says….”You will have doubts about your levels of faith, courage and worthiness. You will doubt your own strength and courage. The enemy will tell you to keep your eyes on your mistakes, and past failures. But when I look at you, I only see Jesus and His sacrifice. Your faith and hope and courage will never be strong enough for you in this world. Your troubles can come day after day after hour after hour. However, when you take your eyes off the trials and circumstances, and put them back on Jesus, you will be operating with the faith and hope and courage of Jesus.”

No matter what occurs or you think might occur, look to Jesus and you will find the hope, faith and courage you need.

Jesus is sufficient. He will and does meet all your needs. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own strength and ideas, and He will make your paths straight. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”


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